Georgia for Georgia is a 501(c)(3) organization located in Atlanta, Georgia. Since 1999, over 120 individuals have traveled with one of our teams to the schools we support in the country of Georgia.
We encourage active involvement with our organization, whether it is via sponsoring a child, funding a scholarship, going on a mission trip, purchasing needed supplies, or providing a grant.
Six very involved and dedicated mission team members comprise the Board of Directors:
Lynn first went to the Country of Georgia in 1999 and has been fortunate to have gone every year since, and sometimes twice, except during Covid. One of the most exciting things is to share this experience with new team members. Each year & each team is unique and so special. This photo was taken at Chiatura for Special Needs children. The children, as well as our hosts & interpreters, will capture your hearts. Lifelong friends are made both in the Country of Georgia and being part of a team. We are indebted to our Georgia team of Tamuna Grigolia and Vaso Natroshvili, without their dedication and hard work, none of this would be possible. Over the past 25 years, Lynn is honored to have witnessed a transformation ~ children are now healthy, empowered to go on to professions and to help their fellow Georgians.She has witnessed so many success stories and has seen the fruit of the support of countless donors.

Dick Holmes had just retired from a career in the medical field when he was asked, due to his medical experience, to accompany a team to the Republic of Georgia in 2006.He said that this opportunity to serve underprivileged children in Georgia’s schools with nourishing meals, medical care and expanded educational opportunities was a turning point in his life.Dick has visited Georgia fourteen times as a member of this humanitarian team.He also made numerous independent visits that allowed him to follow up on existing programs with local in-country personnel and to provide additional medical equipment and supplies.The children andfamilies of Georgia have been so grateful for all the support Georgia for Georgiaprovides.Dick feels that each one of us is capable of leaving this world a better place by our service to others.
Dick Holmes had just retired from a career in the medical field when he was asked, due to his medical experience, to accompany a team to the Republic of Georgia in 2006.He said that this opportunity to serve underprivileged children in Georgia’s schools with nourishing meals, medical care and expanded educational opportunities was a turning point in his life.Dick has visited Georgia fourteen times as a member of this humanitarian team.He also made numerous independent visits that allowed him to follow up on existing programs with local in-country personnel and to provide additional medical equipment and supplies.The children andfamilies of Georgia have been so grateful for all the support Georgia for Georgiaprovides.Dick feels that each one of us is capable of leaving this world a better place by our service to others.

Having a strong desire to serve globally, Kristi first ventured to Georgia in 2007 after being inspired over coffee with Lynn Banks – understanding the basic needs of the impoverished children and youth and how one can help. Everything about that first trip blessed her life immensely. The history, culture, and the food but mostly the incredibly gracious, faithful, and resilient people of Georgia. In the midst of very meager resources, their spirits are happy and so grateful. Kristi returned to Georgia on mission trips in 2009, 2010, and most recently, 2023, and volunteers state-side to help administer the website and newsletters. Kristi and her husband, Ian, have three young children and are also sponsors to three children in Georgia.

Jean has been to Georgia five times since 2015, but has been a part of what we call our “stateside team” for over 20 years – primarily working on our annual Sponsor A Child program. Jean’s family, including husband, Troy, and post college-aged children, Annie and Ben, have been fortunate to feel a part of Georgia through hosting in their home Georgia for Georgia program managers Tamuna, Vaso, and Zaza, as well as Georgian delegates via a U.S. State Department program. Welcoming Georgians to our homes is second only to experiencing the hospitality of Georgians in their own country! When not thinking about all things Georgian, Jean likes to travel, read, spend time with family and friends, enjoy movies, visit the mountains, and be outside more than inside!
Jean has been to Georgia four times since 2015, but has been a part of what we call our “stateside team” for over 15 years – primarilyworking on our annual Sponsor A Child program.Jean’s family, including husband, Troy, and college-aged children, Annie and Ben, have been fortunate to feel a part of Georgia through hosting in their home Georgia for Georgia program managers Tamuna, Vaso, and Zaza, as well as Georgian delegates via a U.S. State Departmentprogram.Welcoming Georgians to our homes is second only to experiencing the hospitality of Georgians in their own country!When not thinking about all things Georgian, Jean likes to travel, read, spend time with family and friends, enjoy movies, visit the mountains, and be outside more than inside!

Originally from Long Island, NY, Gary retired in late 2019 after nearly 40 years in the hotel and hospitality industry. A native of Atlanta since 1990, he has been on multiple trips to Georgia since first going in 2013. Never having children, he considers the 300+ we serve as his family and has adored watching many grow from small tots into graduating success stories.

Doug’s first trip to the country of Georgia was in 2007, and he and his wife Elizabeth love going back to visit with their friends and family in Georgia. As part of the Georgia for Georgia Board, Doug is involved with the Kutaisi Youth House. In addition to serving on the Georgia for Georgia, Doug currently serves on the Board of Trustees for Atlanta Youth Academy, and on the Board of Our Daughters International. Doug is a Journey Director with Global(x) and he receives joy from overseas mission trips he leads and attends with teams and his family.
Doug was born and raised in Atlanta, GA and is proud of his three children. Doug attended the University of Georgia and graduated with a degree in Business Administration and an MBA from Georgia State. He served in the U.S. Army as an officer, later founding Towersource, Inc. in 1999. As part of the Georgia for Georgia Board, Doug is involved with the Kutaisi Youth House and the program for university scholarship students. In addition to serving on the Georgia for Georgia Board, Doug currently serves on the Board of Trustees for Atlanta Youth Academy, and on the Board of Our Daughters International. He receives joy from overseas mission trips he leads and attends with teams and his family. Doug’s first trip to the country of Georgia was in 2007 and he loves going back to visit with his friends and family.